Nu Omicron Host 25th Annual Golf Event
Bethpage, NY- The men of Nu Omicron Chapter held their 25th Annual Golf Classic at the world renowned Bethpage Blue State Park Golf Course, much to the delight of its patrons. The Annual Golf Classic was created to fund scholarships for New York High School Seniors to support their pursuit of higher education. Through the leadership of Basileus, Bro. Les Myers and Bro. Mitch Walker (Event Chairman), the golf classic continues to flourish and has raised over $300,000 in scholarships over the 25-year span. Additionally, the Golf Classic works in conjunction with the 3L Foundation and helps provide funds to the Early Childhood Education Center.
The brothers of Nu Omicron work to provide scholarships to further uplift our youth to help them achieve their academic and careers goals. We have served as a beacon of light for our young scholars. Additionally on this occasion, several brothers were honored to commemorate this monumental event, such as Bro. Al Harper, Bro. Anthony Hooks, and Bro. Mitchell Walker, who spearheaded Nu Omicron’s first golf outing 25 years ago.

Nu Omicron Chapter Walks to Support Breast Cancer Research
Queens, NY- The brothers of the Nu Omicron Chapter participated in the Annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk held at Flushing Meadows Park in Flushing, Queens. Nu Omicron has participated in the annual 5K walk for over 10 years. Each year the brothers walk to honor those we know personally and all the individuals globally who have endured the pain caused by breast cancer as well as to raise funds to support the continued fight to end Breast Cancer.

Nu Omicron Celebrates Women's History Month
In support of Women’s History Month, The men of Nu Omicron honored four outstanding women in our region: Amber Johnson, PharmD member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc., Chef Kim Mills Member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., Sammantha McCalla, PhD member of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. & Kemi Bolutayo Gaffney, MA, CHES member of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. were each featured on the Nu Omicron social media pages.

Nu Omicron Celebrates Black History Month
In support of Black History Month, the men of Nu Omicron honored Bro. Luke Cooper – Nu Omicron 1997 for his advancement in the field of technology. Bro, Cooper is the former CEO and founder of FIXT, a start-up tech company designed to provide on demand device repair, support procurement, delivery and setup. He recently sold the company to Fortune 500 giant Assurant and is now the Founder and CEO of Latimer Ventures, a venture capitalist fund designed to support underserved Black founders as well as address the legacy of divestment from Black communities in the city of Baltimore, Maryland. The fund will eventually invest over 250 million dollars in startups working within the insurance, cybersecurity, fintech, frontier enterprise, and healthcare related technology industries.

Nu Omicron Welcomes Grand Basileus
Queens, NY- our Grand Basileus, Dr. David Marion visited Nu Omicron Chapter’s Early Childhood Education Center (ECEC) and discussed the current state as well as the future of the fraternity, among other things. Bro. Marion also pledged $5000 on behalf of the fraternity to support the varied initiatives of the ECEC. Due to COVID protocols, attendance to this event was limited to approximately 40 brothers. However, the second district was well represented and led by our District Representative, Bro. Kelvin Ampofo. This truly was a historic occasion for Nu Omicron as the Honorable Edgar A. Love, was born on this day in 1891. Equally as important, in 1947, Bro. Love became a founding member of Nu Omicron chapter whose current members proudly and affectionately promotes the moniker, “The House that Love built”!

Nu Omicron Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
PS 123Q STEMA School
My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) Mentoring Program
The Brothers of Nu Omicron Chapter in Queens, New York has served as mentors for a group of boys in grades Kindergarten- Fifth Grade at P.S. 123Q STEMA School located in Queens, New York.
Bro. & Principal Anthony M. Hooks and Bro. & Dr. Edgar Hobbs developed the program using the CASEL Social Emotional National Model and Omega Psi Phi Fraternity mandates to promote community uplift. Nu Omicron Chapter and P.S.123Q has worked collaboratively since 2017.
P.S. 123Q My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) program was created to provide young boys of color the opportunities to engage in character building activities, and physical fitness sessions. Each activity is designed to improve MBK Mentees self-awareness, academic performance, and self-esteem. Our goal is to prepare our mentees to meet challenges as they transition through elementary school. The MBK program meets yearly from October to June.
Mentors and Mentees meet monthly for 90 minutes conducting character building activities. During each session, mentors discuss the meaning of words such as respect, empathy, kindness, endurance, generosity, perseverance and trust as word of the month. Also, mentors engage mentees in small group activities to promote leadership and team building skills.
Nu Omicron Chapter partnership with P.S. 123Q have created a welcoming environment for young boys to participate as mentees in service learning and leadership activities.
“I am My Brother’s Keeper”

Nu Omicron Day of Service
The men of Nu Omicron Chapter honored the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his commitment to service by coordinating a Day of Service in collaboration with the Guy R. Brewer Democratic Club. Members of both organizations spent the day collecting and donating much needed clothing, toiletries, and household items to the families in the Gambian community who lost their homes in a recent fire in the Bronx, New York.

Nu Omicron Brother Roje Thomas Lands Role with the National Basketball Association (NBA)
As a kid, Bro. Roje Thomas, ’08 Nu Omicron, had dreams of playing in the NBA as most kids in his neighborhood. He would often tell his relatives he would make it in the league one day. As time progressed, Bro. Thomas eventually realized as a result of his life taking a different path, that his dreams of playing in the NBA would never come to fruition. However, that didn’t stop him from staying closely connected to the game he loves and the enterprise he idolized as kid in the NBA.
Fast forward to the present, Bro. Thomas recently joined the National Basketball Association in a dual-focused role….lending support across the global enterprise on Employee Relations team and supporting the Human Resources (HR) Business Partners on the HR side with different business segments.
While he didn’t make it to the league as a player, he’s certainly excited to start this next phase of his career, as he has the unique opportunity to impact the growing business of basketball from a human capital perspective…and it all comes at an exciting time for the league, fresh off the heels of NBA All-Star weekend and the year of the league's 75th anniversary.

Nu Omicron Attends Inauguration Ceremony of NYC Councilwoman
The men of Nu Omicron Chapter attended the Inauguration Ceremony for the Honorable Selvena N. Brooks-Powers New York City Council Member and Majority Whip of the 31st District. The ceremony was held at Public School (P.S. 270) in Rosedale, NY. Honorable Brook-Powers is also an active member of Queens Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated.
Over 400 people attended the ceremony and the Keynote address was given by the Honorable Congressman Gregory Meeks, representing the 5th Congressional District. Additional prominent dignitaries for this historic occasion included:
Honorable Adrienne E. Adams, (Speaker of the New York City Council)
Honorable Charles Schumer (United States Senate Majority Leader)
Honorable Eric Adams (New York City Mayor)
Honorable Latisha James (New York State Attorney General)
Honorable Donavan Richards, Jr. (Queens Borough President)
Honorable Melinda Katz (Queens District Attorney)

Nu Omicron Hosts Back-to-School Sneaker Giveaway
Queens, NY- The men of Nu Omicron Chapter in collaboration with Heeling Soles, Inc., served over 60 homeless children in Queens who’s currently residing at the Springfield Residence of Salvation Army by hosting a back-to-school sneaker giveaway. Heeling Soles, Inc., is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping heal humanity and building a global community of hope by providing shoes, clothes, and support to underserved communities. In all over 60 pairs of sneakers and 100 Grab & Go lunches were provided to the residents. Additionally, approximately 40 families were provided Target gift card to help meet some of their immediate needs.

Nu Omicron Host Toy Drive
Queens, NY- Nu Omicron Chapter donated forty Target Gift Cards and gave away toys to over 80 kids who has a incarcerated parent(s) within New York State. Nu Omicron Chapter collaborated with “The 1026 Foundation,” a nonprofit organization founded by Bro. Mel Vail, Jr. Children ages 13 to 18 were given the $50 Target Gift Cards and the younger children received toys and a book titled “The Dream Keeper,” by Brother Langston Hughes.

Nu Omicron Turkey Giveaway
Queens, NY- Nu Omicron Chapter collaborated with several nonprofit organizations to help distribute 1000 turkeys throughout Queens, NY. The turkeys were provided by Sysco Foods in conjunction with the “Queens Economic Development Corporation” and “Queens Together,” nonprofit organizations. Each organization were provided turkeys to provide for their respective communities. Nu Omicron divided its turkeys to accommodate the parents & teachers of the Early Childhood Educational Center, P.S. 123Q , and NYC Administration for Children’s Services (ACS).

Nu Omicron Honors Local Veterans for Memorial Day
Queens, NY- The men of Nu Omicron Chapter participated in a Memorial Day service honoring Veterans of Southeast Queens. Members of the local American Legion and Veterans of Foreign War were part of the ceremony held at Veterans Memorial Triangle in the Rosedale section of Queens. Bro. Jackie Wilson, ’65 Rho Chapter representing VFW Post 5298 and Nu Omicron Chapter, served as the Master of Ceremony and led the Honor Guard of uniformed veterans. Nu Omicron Basileus, Bro. Les Myers ’93 GE Chapter addressed the audience and gave honor to his father, who served and was ultimately awarded the distinguished Purple Heart medal. The following Queens elected officials attended the annual event: District Attorney Melinda Katz, Queens Borough President Donovan Richards, Assembly Member Alicia Hyndman, Councilwoman Adrienne E. Adams, 28th district and Councilwoman Selvena Brooks-Powers, 31st district.